Email Your Questions

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Question #3 - What's the best way to cook a hamburger?

Question from Steve in Nebraska: What's the best way to cook a hamburger?

I have found that when cooking a hamburger, you are more important than just about anyone. You wield the power of taste, and the satisfaction of stomach. You are the master of the palate, the, uh, cooker of meat.

When you cook your hamburger, there are some things to do and some things not to do. I have a very simple list of Do's and Don'ts...


  • Do use real meat. (No tofu)
  • Do make them big because they shrink
  • Do use Barbecue sauce
  • Do include garlic
  • Do use Lowery's Seasoned Salt
  • Do have friends over


  • Don't make bricks. Meaning, don't overcook. Flame kissed, not flame French kissed.
  • If you are using (shudders) hamburger from your local grocery store (gags), DON'T UNDER COOK. It is frowned upon in culinary circles when your guests die from some crazy bacteria.
  • Don't walk away from the grill. A perfect burger is killed by ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) moments.
  • Don't tick of the bees. Bees are a part of grilling, so it's better if they be happy.
  • Last but not least, watch out for crazy uncle Lou. He has been banned from backyard barbeque's for a reason. DON'T INVITE LOU.

Well, that does it for today. Send your questions to

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